Once finished installing “LAMP”  on Centos,

Step 1: Login Maria DB

Step 2 : Create a Database for word press

step 2 : Create Database for WordPress is “wordpressdb”

Step 4 : After creating DB User and grant privileges on Database  “wordpressdb”

Step 5 : Clear

Step 6 : Exit

Step 7 : Download and install Word press in cd /var/www/html

Step 8 : Type command wget http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz Press enter button

Step 9 : The latest word press will successfully downloaded, And then type clear.

Step 9 : And then extract the file.

Step 10 : Now change the ownership of that directory to the user  “apache”

Step 11 : Creating apache virtual host for word press

Step 12 : Add the contents information related to word press.

Step 13 : Restart the apache service by following command systemctl restart httpd

Step 14 : Config firewall allow HTTP to HTTPS  by following command firewall-cmd –permanent –add-service=http once it comes success. Then type fire wall-cmd –reload.

Step 15 :  Open new tab type the domain name – htaccess.co.in the page opens with wordpress installation page   >>select the language >> click continue >>In next page create Database name, Database user, Database password  below that click submit.

Step 16 : Next page click  Run installation. After that page information needed type the site name, user name and password & mail id.

Step 17 :  Word press installation process is completed.


Thank you




